Essential Guide to Practical Shotgun Shooting: Training Programmes and Techniques

Essential Guide to Practical Shotgun Shooting: фото
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Артикул: BOOK-O-S
Штрихкод: 8600001105951
Год выпуска: 2018
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This book was written by Pavel Orlov and Maksim Skopin, the well-known IPSC shooters. It contains impressive working techniques that motivated competitors can use.

Authors break down the elements of practical shotgun competitions, and not only tell the reader what elements are important to master, but also how to train, how perishable these skills can be and how to combine all of this knowledge into the practice. They explain how to train and develop throughout one’s competitive journey.

Thereby you are able to create a schedule which fits your needs and keeps all the key elements up to date throughout the year.

The knowledge this book contains was hard earned, and sharing it is a valuable contribution to competitors of all levels in this sport.

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